Presto VFD Building Addition
In 2024, the department will be building an addition to the existing garage.
This 38’ x 50’ project will provide the department with:
- Much needed garage space to park our 2 squads inside.
- Showers for firefighters to decontaminate themselves after a fire.
- Separate bathrooms for males and our ever increasing number of female firefighters.
- A kitchenette to prepare meals and dine while staffing the station.
- A day room for the firefighters.
- A “clean” area away from the vehicles and equipment.
- Facilities to decontaminate PPE and other equipment after an incident.
This project has been in the planning and permit stage for over three years. We, finally, have all of the governmental approvals and are hoping to break ground in the Spring. Cost estimates for this project are between $800,000 and $900,000.