
RIT Victim Through Floor

RIT Victim Through Floor

RIT Victim Through Floor

Ice cream after training on a hot night!

SCBA Basic Training 2/17/14

SCBA Basics Training 2/17/14

SCBA Basics Training 2/17/14

Extrication training Extrication drill Thank you to Moon Run VFD for the use of the extra vehicles they had left over.

Extrication Extrication drill Thank you to Moon Run VFD for the use of the extra vehicles they had left over.

Extrication Extrication drill Thank you to Moon Run VFD for the use of the extra vehicles they had left over.

Foam Tech training Anyone seen the dog??

Foam Tech training The boyz from 117 flowing a CAFS line from engine 1252

Foam Tech traing Snowstorm in August

Foam Tech training The 'real' instructor for the class Ella

Foam Tech training Engine 1251 with the Region 13 trailer out of Station 197 and the 117-125-284 foam trailer

Training with new bail out gear

Training with new bail out gear

Training with new bail out gear

Training with new bail out gear

Training with new bail out gear

Gettin her ready Scenario drill involving a home under construction in the Tuscany Ridge plan

CAFS training using a Blitzfire gun Same training session, a second Blitzfire flowing CAFS on the opposite side of the "involved" structure, During this evolution, over 3000 gallons of water and 10 gallons of class A foam were discharged.

CAFS training using a Blitzfire gun Using CAFS and a Blitzfire equals a lot of knockdown force while utilizing 1 person. Since the 2.5" hose is filled with finished foam, 1 person can easily move it at will.

Front to back roof flap using struts

Front to back roof flap using struts

Haz Mat Ops class with Station 126 Foaming down the truck carrying the "leaking hazardous material"

Haz Mat Ops class with Station 126 A crew from 125 damming the creek under the watchful eye of 126 Captain B Brown

Haz Mat Ops class with Station 126 FF B Berty readies a line for decontamination

SCBA Training with Station 117 117 FF J Chilleo sliding to the finish

SCBA Training with Station 117

SCBA training with Station 117 125 Captain J Magdich in the maze

Training with Station 117 C Berty with blacked out face piece

Extrication Training

Extrication Training

Extrication Drill

BVR class with Station 256

BVR class with Station 256

RIT training

RIT training

RIT training

RIT training

FF survival class @ Sturgeon VFD

FF survival class @ Sturgeon VFD

FF survival class @ Sturgeon VFD

FF survival class @ Sturgeon VFD

FF survival class @ Sturgeon VFD

Air Bag Drill Our favorite victim "George the Dummy" trapped under a toppled piece of machinery

Air Bag Drill Our favorite victim "George the Dummy" trapped under a toppled piece of machinery